
4 March 2011
Netherland Suite I—DUTCH BATTLE SONG. What could be more stirring than this Dutch "Song of Conquest"! It marches along with tremendous vigor like a great army moving to victory. There is a tragic note, a tenseness of emotion, but never a moment of weakness in this old marching song. Dating from the year 1616, it undoubtedly steeled brave hearts to seize the sword and go forth to battle with the Spaniards. The words of the song set forth the following sentiments: Wherever one may go over the world's wide oceans, ...
10 February 2011
Das Klavier: Die Entstehungsgeschichte Da sich die Entwicklung des Instruments sich über Jahrhunderte erstreckt, ist die Nennung genauerer Zeiten und Entwicklungsphasen nur schwer möglich. Vorläufer des Klaviers sind nicht nur die Tasteninstrumente, sondern auch die Chordophone (Saiteninstrumente), deren Ursprünge bis zu verschiedenen Urvölkern zu verfolgen sind.[1] Der äusserst handliche Mechanismus der Tasten jedoch, der ein erfinderisches Genie erfordert, ist dagegen wesentlich jünger, zugleich jedoch zu alt, als dass seine Entstehung ...
9 February 2011
Музыка - душа народа Осень прошлого года я провела в Греции, где с удивлением отметила высокую популярность народной греческой музыки среди местного населения. К моему удивлению она звучала повсеместно. Не только в барах, ресторанах, тавернах, но и в такси, из окон домов. Соседи, отдыхая вечером с гитарой, пели народные песни. Я познакомилась со скрипачами-самоучками. Все они были молоды и современны, владели различными направлениями греческой музыки, о своей игре говорили с большим энтузиазмом. Слушатели плакали, слыша ...
7 February 2011
The Second Viennese School During this period, to pursue music and art becomes a matter of social and public interest. New national and international associations arise and an increasing number of creative works are heavily influenced by politics. The Second Viennese School was among them whose star exploded on the musical firmament of Austria making a tangible impact on the development of the world culture. In the works of the heralds of expressionism Arnold Shoenberg (the founder of the Second Viennese School) and his ...
7 February 2011
Percussion Instruments in Academic Music The impressive array of percussions, numbering in the hundreds, stems from their being the most ancient of all musical instruments, except the human voice.  But despite their worldwide ancestry it wasn’t until the 20 th Century that performing schools developed and began establishing the traditions of percussion. Although today it would be impossible to imagine a military brass band without percussion maintaining the rhythmic organisation of the whole orchestra, their use in 19 th Century military ...
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